
This is a quick introduction to our company

Thank you for visiting our Internet site. We want to give you the opportunity to stay in touch with our company and our offers.

At present, our web site is still under construction. The emphasis of our site is to introduce ourself and to provide you with some of the specials that we have available. Check this site often as new specials will be added regulary.

You can contact us at our e-mail address: info@digiquip.co.za. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help.

In brief, you should know the following about us: our company was established in 1999 and had been responsible for providing computer hardware and software sales and support in the Elgin / Grabouw area ever since. We specialise in computer repairs, networking and sell a wide range of computer products.

For more information please contact Deon Havenga on 082 4055 457 as he will be more than happy to help.